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For those partipants who would like to follow up on their sports schedule while in Hamburg we’ve cooked up a special programme:


Alster run, Wednesday, July 18, 07:00: Run along Hamburg’s most famous jogging course around the outer Alster Lake. The distance is about 8 km and it takes between 40 to 55 minutes to complete the course – depending on your running experience. The course is flat and offers nice views of the lake, passes green areas and some of Hamburg’s most sought after residential areas. The Alster Lake is close to the conference venue. Our meeting point will be at the University Main Building – most hotels are in the immediate vicinity – at 7am and your local host Chris Meister and some of our student conference assistants will lead seperate groups for slower and faster runners.

In cooperation with the Hochschulsport Hamburg we are able to offer you several morning sessions in the sports centre of the University of Hamburg:

Morning Fitness, Tuesday, July 17, 07:00 – 08:30 with trainer Susann Damati

Spinning, Wednesday, July 18, 07:00 – 08:30 with trainer Frances Froehlich

Dynamic Yoga, Thursday, July 19, 07:00 – 08:30 with trainer Sandy Kassner

The sessions start at 7.00 and end at 8.30. Each session is being held in the small gym (“kleine Unisporthalle”) in Turmweg 2, just a 10-15 minutes walk from the conference site. If you wish to take part in one of the activities, just show up in the morning and bring your DH 2012 name badge.


Gym facilities: For those who would like to access gym facilities while in Hamburg, we’ve arranged free access to the gym of the University of Hamburg – thanks to Hochschulsport Hamburg! The sports park of the University is a 10-15 minutes walk from the conference venue, located at Turmweg 2. The opening hours are Monday through Friday 8.00-22.00. The gym offers the usual fitness suite, unfortunately there is no swimming pool. If you wish to access the gym, just show your DH 2012 name badge at the entrance and enjoy!